Loan or Exchange With Confidence
As a part provider to a partner airline, loans and exchanges may be conducted as part of a pooling agreement or performed on an ad hoc basis. In either case, tracking the transaction through its lifecycle, measuring compliance with terms, and initiating financial settlement are important components of the transaction and are key to instilling confidence that business controls are in place and targets can be achieved.
A Shared View
Aeroxchange provides a common platform for buyers and sellers to manage loan, borrow and exchange transactions across the lifecycle of each transaction. Message and documentation flows between provider and consumer are visible to both parties and can be evaluated against contractual terms using the same shared data.
Financial Settlement
The end of a transaction lifecycle occurs with financial settlement. Invoices can be triggered directly from the Aeroxchange platform as part of the loan, borrow and exchange tracking system drawn from data in the transaction history. Invoice accuracy and speed of payment is thus assured.