Seller Connect Options
Sellers on Aeroxchange have many ways to connect.
Automated Electronic Communications
Legacy EDI and modern Internet-based electronic messaging can link your order management system directly to Aeroxchange. We can also automate the upload of your catalogue listings.
For More Information: EDI Services ERP Integration Services List & Manage Catalogs
Logging in to Aeroxchange through a web browser rewards the user with a Dashboard overview of activity. The full order lifecycle can be managed in one place. RFQs, purchase orders, repair orders, shipments, invoices and tracking of material movements are all visible at a glance.
Suppliers can respond to RFPs, acknowledge orders, respond to change orders, send ship notices, invoices and other communications directly through the web browser interface.
For More Information: Track Orders & Invoices
Buyers Too
You will likely find that by being a customer, you are already electronically connected to most of the world's leading carriers.